
Service Dog Training

Psychiatric Service Dog Trainers in St. Petersburg

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Contact Dog Training Elite St. Petersburg

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At Dog Training Elite St. Petersburg, we offer a large assortment of service dog training packages. Combine that with our highly personalized approach and our in-home trainers we ensure that you as the owner and your dog create a strong bond along with sustained obedience. Service dogs are highly valued in the mental health, health care and disability community and are protected under the ADA laws which allow owners to take their service dog with them everywhere they go.

Psychiatric service dog training in St. Petersburg is one of these training packages we provide at Dog Training Elite. These dogs are trained to assist their owners with a wide variety of psychiatric or mental disabilities including PTSD, high anxiety, stress, depression and can help to reduce suicidal ideation. A fully trained service dog will be able to go anywhere you go, assisting you in any venue, allowing you to regain your independence.

Pricing Programs Free Assessment

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Not all training packages may be available at our Dog Training Elite St. Petersburg location, please reference our pricing page for complete information on services offered.

Psychiatric / PTSD Support Dog

12 One-on-One Sessions


A Psychiatric/PTSD service dog will be able to go anywhere with their handler and assist them in times of high stress and provide a sense of security. A service dog will provide emotional support, reintegration into society, reduce depression, help cope with anxiety, reduce the frequency and severity of flashbacks, anchor handler to the present, and reduce suicidal ideation. Psychiatric service dogs will learn basic obedience and advanced tasks that are customizable, such as:

  • Grounding
  • Deep Pressure Therapy
  • Panic Response
  • Create a Physical Buffer
  • Interrupt Repetitive Behaviors

About Psychiatric Service Dog Training

At Dog Training Elite St. Petersburg, we provide full psychiatric service dog training for residents in the St. Petersburg area. We will ensure that, along with the specialized service training, we will provide advanced obedience, socialization, potty training, crate training and community training. Our process allows us to easily complete our psychiatric service dog training at your home or within the environment where behaviors manifest whether that be in a park or around other dogs. We also work closely with foundations, mental health and medical communities to create the most successful psychiatric service dog training program.

Dog Training Elite provides full psychiatric service dog training programs near you in St. Petersburg.

Dog Training Elite St. Petersburg Offers Free Assessments

Dog Training Elite offers free in-home assessments to assess if a current family dog can be trained to become a psychiatric service dog or can help you select a service puppy or dog for training. We offer a unique in-home dog training method that involves owners in the training process, ensuring that training is never undone and both owners and their dogs are bonding and empowered.

Pricing Programs Free Assessment

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Our Balanced Theory

We base our training around the "Classical Conditioning" model (a.k.a. "Pavlovian" or "respondent conditioning"). This includes developing conditioned or automatic reflexes to commands. In its simplest form (after proper conditioning), when the owner says "sit," the dog automatically sits without thinking about it. Our unique techniques ensure our program is a success no matter what behavior we encounter.

  • Empowering Owners
    We empower Owners to train so their dog knows who to obey at all times.
  • Personalized
    We deal with problem behaviors on a personal basis.
  • Environment Specific
    We train wherever issues tend to arise (i.e. jogging, park, home).
  • Supportive
    We support Owners in the off-hours (when training is "not in session").
  • Involved
    We work with all members of the household.
  • Simplified & Customized
    We plan training around the owner's schedule and require only 20 min/day follow-up practice.
  • Continued Training
    Additional programs / group sessions offered after in-home training.
  • Lifetime Investment
    We follow up & are invested in the owner's success long-term.
  • Satisfaction Ratings
    Our high client satisfaction rating sets us apart from competitors.

We help your dog become a valued companion and beloved member of the family. Read what our customers have to say and then give us a call!

Kim and her team are fantastic. They truly care about you and your dog(s) and helping your situation. Kim is very willing to adapt to your needs and has a great, no nonsense approach to dog training. She’s patient with the humans learning how to speak dog and she just makes it a fun and educational experience. So glad we picked Elite for our dog training.
— Jessica Cahill
Posted September 11th 2024
Super knowledgeable about what they do and fantastic communication with customers
— Quincy Chambers
Posted August 21st 2024
Cannot recommend highly enough!!!! Worked a miracle with our Doberman. Outstanding!!!!
— Jill M. Ott
Posted August 20th 2024
We've had a great experience with Dog Trading Elite, specifically with our in home trainers Ryan and Janna. We called them because we rescued a Bernese Mountain Dog, Winnie, who was very fearful of almost everything and had no manners. We also wanted to try for the third time with our energetic 7 1/2 year old golden retriever, Murphy, who had some bad habits. The patience these two had with Winnie, who seemingly couldn't do anything easily, was remarkable. Murphy took to most of the training well, but needed an extra nudge when he was excited (which was often). They changed tactics often and the group classes have been so helpful to year them both in distracting environments. This training requires the owner to work with their dog, but provides long lasting results. They'll meet you anywhere, your home, Home Depot, wherever! Well worth the cost, our home is so much more balanced!
— Leigh Smyser
Posted July 20th 2024
Awesome staff, always flexible to your needs, and care so much about the dogs they work with! I feel safe and confident in my service pup’s training because of this awesome team. Highly recommend!!
— Izelle Fehrman
Posted July 19th 2024
I put my dog Faye into Dog Training Elite at about 8 months old. I had done training classes with Petsmart before but nothing truly worked. She is super food motivated but I just needed to find the right class for her. Dog Training Elite was beyond perfect us. Faye now has a perfect recall and I am able to walk her off leash. She is so beyond obedient. Everyone we met and worked with went above and beyond to make sure Faye got the training she truly needed. Me and Faye are so happy with the outcome of the training.
— Madison Johnson
Posted June 26th 2024
I can't thank you guys enough! you've managed to help me take my Pharaoh from out of control to my best behaved dog. it's ultimately made Pharaoh a happier dog and me a happier dog mom. forever grateful
— Jenni Fajvan
Posted June 8th 2024
I highly recommend these trainers to everyone!! I couldn’t be happier. They are amazing!!! They started with me right away with my puppy and now today he is passed his public access test. They are personal and really get to know you and your dog. Buddha also loves them! He’s a cane corso. They can train any dog. Thanks again for everything!!!
— Jared Rhodes
Posted June 7th 2024
We highly recommend Dog Training Elite! Our 5 month old puppy learned so much over the 5 weeks of in home training and continues to learn at the Group Distractions Training on Saturdays at Seminole park in St. Petersburg. Aaron and the entire DTE training family are professional, compassionate, hands on and love what they do for you and your lovely pet. My puppy was able to learn all the commands during the one on one trainings and did a great job at home after the trainers were gone. The more we worked with her and had fun training, the more disciplined and consistent she became with commands. DTE is worth every penny on the investment and peace of mind. Please give them a call to schedule your free introduction.
— Kyle Myers
Posted May 18th 2024
We began a search for a service dog about 2 years ago. About a year ago, by a stroke of luck, we were directed to Dog Training Elite Suncoast where we met Ryan. Ryan started a search and quickly found the perfect dog for my wife. They developed an instant bond. Then Ryan, Kim and Aaron went to work with Shadow’s training. Since then, Shadow has attained the service dog certification and has been busy at work working with my wife and giving her advance notification of an oncoming episode. We feel blessed with the results of the entire process and there is no way that we could have accomplished this on our own. We are continuing to attend group sessions and strengthening his skills. I would 100% recommend Dog Training Elite Suncoast to anyone.
— Anthony Cistone
Posted March 1st 2024
I am so pleased with the training. Both the in home and group sessions have taught me and my dog so much. The trainers are patient and also make it fun for my dog. Aaron was so kind in including our older dog who wanted to learn as well. I wish I started the training years ago when my dog was a puppy.
— carolyn james
Posted January 5th 2024
I can't imagine a better experience! Dog Training Elite St. Petersburg will improve the relationship between you and your dog by training you (the owner) how to communicate effectively with your fur baby. Not only will they teach you how to train commands, but they will challenge you how to take those commands to the next level. So, your dog can sit or down for 30 seconds? Great! Can they sit for 5 full minutes with a bicycle, runner, ball, and squirrel going by? With Dog Training Elite, you can train them to do this and more. Truly exceptional! They will take your dog's obedience and manners beyond where you ever thought possible.
— Tonya Stafford
Posted September 24th 2023
The BEST dog training program in all of St. Pete! Professional, knowledgeable, and friendly trainers that customize to you and your dog’s needs! Can’t believe the remarkable transformation! If you’re looking to take your dog out for leisurely walks without pulling and lunging, call DTE! If you want to welcome guests to your home without barking and rushing the door, call DTE! If you want a well-mannered and behaved dog no matter the situation, call DTE! JUST CALL DTE! You won’t regret it!
— Alisa Kellington-Welsh
Posted September 24th 2023

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